Yusupov - Build Up Your Chess/Boost Your Chess/Chess Evolution (1000+): Note! This series goes beyond just tactics but also explains positional & endgame concepts.
Polgar - 5344 problems (1000-1800): A beautiful book with mostly mate in 2.
Blokh - Combinative Motifs (1400+)
Smith & Tikkanen - The Woodpecker Method (1600+): Tactics puzzle from World Champions. Watch out! Soon the Woodpecker Method 2 with positional exercises will be published.
Yusupov - Build Up Your Chess/Boost Your Chess/Chess Evolution (1000+)
Landa & Sakaev - The Complete Manual of Positional Chess 1 & 2 (1400+)
Nunn - Understanding Chess Move by Move (1400+)
Nimzowitsch - My System (1400+): A classic, to be fair there are more modern books on the topic but I still can highly recommend it.
Silman's Complete Endgame Course (1000-2000): The beauty of this book is that the endgame knowledge is sorted by rating and get more difficult as you progress through the book.
De la Villa - 100 Endgames You Must Know 1 (1500-2200): Start with the essential endgames before you continue with the rest.
Shereshevsky - Endgame Strategy (1600+)
Mark Dvoretsky - Dvoretsky's Endgame Manual (1400+): Note! If you are between 1400-2000 , I recommend you to use this only as a "dictionary" and don't read the entire book.
Games and history:
Garry Kasparov - My Great Predecessors I-V (1400+)