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Online Chess Training

Woman International Master

Olga Matveeva

How I Can Help You

Chess ImProver

An assessment of your games, resulting in a personal report on how you can improve your chess best including Q+A session. 

Individual Lesson 

Individual 1:1 chess lesson with me, where we will work together on your chess improvement. 

My Chess

Most often, your successes comes to you when you stop thinking about the results but focus on the process of improvement. At least that is my experience. 

Chess, like any other sport, requires discipline, patience, regularity, and dedication to improve and become a strong player. 

In my coaching, I focus on analyzing your games, learning typical middlegame positions, studying basic endgames and training games. 


My Students Say

Carlos (1).jpg
"Olga stands out as an exceptional coach, providing me with a thorough and profound understanding of the intricacies of chess.Under her tutelage, I've learned the invaluable lesson of prioritizing the process over instant results, leading to a remarkable improvement in my chess skills. I highly recommend Olga, especially praising her for the qualities of patience and dedication she brings to her coaching"

Carlos Pazmiño G: USA - Ecuador

My Chess Journey


...I've learned the rules of chess and soon thereafter, got my first coach Svetlana Vladimirovna Ershova. Svetlana instilled a deep love for the game which I have to this very day. 



...I became Woman International Master. My work with coach FM Anatoly Nikolaevich Terekhin was instrumental to achieve this title. 

...I've opened a chess school for kids. To this day I love to inspire and share my love for the game with old and young people from all over the world. 


...I qualified and played in the Russian Superfinal in St. Petersburg. It was a tough  tournament, but I draw against GM Valentina Gunina & won against WGM Natalia Pogonina. Also, I became a FIDE Instructor!

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